Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blessing the Spaghetti

The last seven hours of tonight I have spent with all very special people. After the emotional day I experienced I wanted to go home and finish it alone locked in my room, but I had an event to attend with my fellow CRU behind the scenes people. I was bringing the salad to go along with our spaghetti dinner. My heart for the night was burdened with much thought about life and responsibility, I didn't want to spend my night discussing feelings.

So as I shopped for the ranch dressing and the perfect romaine lettuce I prayed for clarity and patience. Oh, how the Lord answers prayers!

After the delicious spaghetti that Troy and Adam made for us, we played a game. The game was serious, where we needed to share the heritage of our lives, the hand of God visible in our lives, the hardships we have experienced, and the happiest moments in our lives.

As we went around the room sharing in a group of twelve our hearts poured out. Never before have I felt so vulnerable with a group like this. I couldn't believe the amount of hurt we have all experienced and the amount of joy that has come from these struggles. God was so present in our sharing. He made sure that everyone of our stories affected all the others in someway.

I know that every story I heard, I felt so blessed to hear. I loved the trust that we shared and will continue to share in the future. As this group of leaders for CRU grows in number, our bond as the behind the scene members will become stronger. I'm so glad for this experience.

When our hearts were all laid out, we played some less serious games and stayed in a state of laughter for four hours. I'm so blessed to have a strong circle of friends.

Thank you Lord God, for the beautiful friendships that were established and made stronger tonight. You are so good to us when we do not deserve it. You give it to us anyway and that is an indescribable act of mercy. Thank you Lord Jesus!

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